Friday, 9 November 2012

Planning - Locations

  • Capstone Country Park (for the field scenes and the pond scene)


We think that Capstone Country Park would be a great place to film when I am singing about my story. We think this because it has a great landscape that we can capture in the shots and also it's very calm and pretty, which we think will look great in our music video. The story involves my character needing a little 'alone time' to think things through with my partner, and so this location links in with that as it's quiet and a good place to think.
  • Greenace School's cafeteria (for the opening scene where my character breaks up with her boyfriend)
We believe that we can make the cafeteria look like a Costa Coffee, using props and also things in the cafeteria. We are going to incorporate as much mise-en-scene as we can to ensure that it looks realistic. We decided that using the cafeteria would be a lot easier than having to go out and ask permission to film in a cafe. This way we could get everything done quickly after school and we had the location confirmed.
  • Greenace School's sports hall (for the school prom/gazebo scene)
This location is a great one for what we want to achieve in this shoot. It is supposed to look like a prom scene and so a sports hall is a great place to film as that is the sort of place in which school proms usually take place. Also, the sports hall is huuuugggeee, and so a great place for us to set up a gazebo. We feel that this is a really good location choice and we hope it will work out when we come to shoot everything.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for putting the pictures up. It's shame there's only photos of one location. Some comments on what parts of the video will be shot in each location would improve this post.
