Thursday 2 May 2013

Production - The making of our digipak

When first making our digipak we got a little confused and ended up making something that looked like a CD.

We soon realised that this was wrong and we needed to make it look more professional by using a template and making our digipak on card. We decided to use a different template to the one I first found as we wanted to make it easier for ourselves and just used a 4 sided one rather than a 6 sided one.

After this picture was taken we realised that the two bottom pictures needed to be upside down and so we changed this immediately. The making of our digipak from then on went quite smoothly and we fitted the images to the template correctly. We left margins like the template told us to to ensure that there was enough room to bend the digipak in to position.

Luckily, Amy was able to visit a professional printing company where she managed to get our digipak printed on the correct type of card and folded properly. Below are some pictures of the making of our digipak.

We are very pleased with the final product and we think it looks very professional.

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