Thursday 2 May 2013

Production - The making of our poster

We used photoshop to edit our poster. We took the idea from Gabrielle Aplin to use the picture on the digipak as the picture on the poster. This made it a lot easier for us to get the poster done quicker.

Above is the picture we used for one of the sides of our digipak. We used this picture as the picture for the poster because we though it would ensure that anyone who looked at the poster would recognise the digipak and therefore the music video.

This is the picture after we edited it, added text and changed the saturation. Once we had finished this we had a discussion and thought that it would look better in colour as it would keep with the theme of the digipak and the music video. So we changed it back to a coloured picture...
So this is our final poster. We think it looks quite professional and are happy with the way it turned out.

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