Monday 11 March 2013

Production - Third shoot (Wednesday 6th March)

For this shoot we were allowed our last two lessons of the day (Media Studies) to go out and get things filmed. We wanted to do the Capstone Country Park shoot on this day as it gave us more day light to get things filmed in. We started off by the pond filming the part with Amy and Michael, where they are seen sitting and enjoying a day out, when a girl smiles and waves at Michael. This causes an argument between Amy and Michael and Amy ends up walking away looking upset and distressed. The shoot went really well, we captured everything we wanted to and looking back at it, it looks really realistic. We are very happy with the way it turned out.

On the same day we also shot the scenes where I am singing on the fence and in the field. We were also really happy with how this shoot turned out. However, towards the end everyone started to get cold and agitated so luckily we got everything done quickly. Overall, the day was a success and we got everything completed that we needed to!

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