Thursday 7 February 2013

Planning - Costume

Natasha's costume

We decided that Natasha should wear an outfit that would look natural, as if she was actually on a day out to the country park with her boyfriend. This ended up being:

  • Jeans
  • A coat
  • Ankle boots
We thought that this outfit would be warm and comfy but look stylish at the same time. It is the sort of outfit that Natasha said she would wear normally, and so it will look natural and suitable for the shoot. Her hair and makeup will be minimal and natural as we want her to look like she is comfortable and happy with her boyfriend.

For the prom scene we thought that Natasha should dress up a bit more, as proms are usually a big thing for girls and they want to look their best. She will be wearing:

  • A long prom dress
  • Heels
Her hair and makeup will be subtle but more than what she would have been wearing for the Capstone country park shoot. We want her to look like she has done herself up for the event.

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