Monday, 25 March 2013
Production - FINAL shoot
The shoot on Friday 15th March didn't work out due to the fact that I was unexpectedly ill and couldn't come in. We are starting to feel now as though we might have bitten off more than we can chew. However, we are all healthy and in school today so we are going to try and get this last shoot done tonight. We are confident in ourselves today as we have got everything we need and there really shouldn't be anything stopping us from getting this done!
Monday, 11 March 2013
Planning - Our final shoot
At this point, we have filmed everything except for the prom scene. So we have sat down and discussed when we are going to film it. We decided that this Friday (Friday 15th March) would be the best time as this is when everyone is free. Then we will all be finished for next week when we can start to think about editing. Hopefully everything goes well and there are no more problems that will set us back any further.
Planning - Costume
Amy's costume
We decided for the shoot on Wednesday that Amy should wear something bold to show that she is the main focus of attention. We feel this way as she is portraying the way in which the artist feels and is the character that we want most people to focus their attention on. We picked out a bright red coat for Amy as we didn't want her to look abnormal in the surroundings but still wanted her to be the center of attention. The red colour attracts the eyes of the audience, however the fact that it's a coat seems perfectly normal for where she is in the shoot.
We decided for the shoot on Wednesday that Amy should wear something bold to show that she is the main focus of attention. We feel this way as she is portraying the way in which the artist feels and is the character that we want most people to focus their attention on. We picked out a bright red coat for Amy as we didn't want her to look abnormal in the surroundings but still wanted her to be the center of attention. The red colour attracts the eyes of the audience, however the fact that it's a coat seems perfectly normal for where she is in the shoot.
Amy's outfit actually matches this one we found of Zooey Deschanel, who was one of our main fashion insprations for out outfits.
Third shoot - Behind the scenes pictures
Above is a picture of us setting up the crane in order to create our large crane shot with me sitting on the fence.
Here is a picture of me sitting on the fence with the guitar, Amy filming me and Jakob using the reflector in order to get the right amount of lighting on me.

Production - Third shoot (Wednesday 6th March)
For this shoot we were allowed our last two lessons of the day (Media Studies) to go out and get things filmed. We wanted to do the Capstone Country Park shoot on this day as it gave us more day light to get things filmed in. We started off by the pond filming the part with Amy and Michael, where they are seen sitting and enjoying a day out, when a girl smiles and waves at Michael. This causes an argument between Amy and Michael and Amy ends up walking away looking upset and distressed. The shoot went really well, we captured everything we wanted to and looking back at it, it looks really realistic. We are very happy with the way it turned out.
On the same day we also shot the scenes where I am singing on the fence and in the field. We were also really happy with how this shoot turned out. However, towards the end everyone started to get cold and agitated so luckily we got everything done quickly. Overall, the day was a success and we got everything completed that we needed to!
On the same day we also shot the scenes where I am singing on the fence and in the field. We were also really happy with how this shoot turned out. However, towards the end everyone started to get cold and agitated so luckily we got everything done quickly. Overall, the day was a success and we got everything completed that we needed to!
Production - Second shoot behind the scenes pictures
This is a picture of Michael and I getting the stools ready for the tables. The tables were too high for us to sit on just one stall each so we had to sit on about three each, hence the number of stools.
A picture of one of the tables we set up to look like one you would see in a cafe.
This is a wide shot showing everything that was going on in the room where we were filming. It looks like a bit of a mess here but we had everything organised really....
This is a shot of us having a giggle before we started filming.
This is one of the two soft boxes that we used for extra lighting for our footage. They helped a lot to give us the light we wanted, and the reflector that we used helped us further to get the light exactly where we wanted it in the shot.
Production - Second shoot (Monday 4th March)
On this day we bought in everything that we needed for the shoot and made the boy's school cafeteria look like a Costa Coffee. Everything went really well and we managed to pull it off. We set everything up where we wanted it and started to film. The shoot took about 2 and a half hours in total to get the correct shots and make sure there was nothing missed out. Overall the shoot was a really good one and we managed to get everything we needed. So that's one shoot we can cross of the list!!!!
Production - First shoot (Friday 1st March)
On the Friday, two of our actors (Natasha and Charlie) informed us that they couldn't make it. This put a real spanner in the works as it meant that we had lost two of our main characters. Due to this, we had to think of something soon and decided that Amy and her friend Michael would play the couple instead.
So we all stayed after school on the friday to get everything done. We had the gazebo, the fairy lights, the costumes and everything seemed as though nothing could go wrong. But it did... It took way longer than we thought it would to set up the gazebo and fairy lights and by the time we got it all done it was almost time for us to evacuate. To make matters worse, when we turned all of the fairy lights on, only half of them worked. This was a mistake on our part as we should have checked that they all worked before hand to ensure that something like that would not happen.
At the end of the evening, we decided to reschedule as everyone was in a bad mood and just wanted to get home. The shoot was a bit of a failure but we have learnt from our mistakes and will try again.
So we all stayed after school on the friday to get everything done. We had the gazebo, the fairy lights, the costumes and everything seemed as though nothing could go wrong. But it did... It took way longer than we thought it would to set up the gazebo and fairy lights and by the time we got it all done it was almost time for us to evacuate. To make matters worse, when we turned all of the fairy lights on, only half of them worked. This was a mistake on our part as we should have checked that they all worked before hand to ensure that something like that would not happen.
At the end of the evening, we decided to reschedule as everyone was in a bad mood and just wanted to get home. The shoot was a bit of a failure but we have learnt from our mistakes and will try again.
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